Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Loss of Female Libido, What Causes It

The female libido is the woman's sex drive. Complex, mysterious and enigmatic: words used to describe women in general can just as easily describe the female libido. Hormones, physical health, self perception and lifestyle circumstances all come together and play a part in the performance of a woman's libido.

Causes that are physical

§ Anaemia- Iron deficiency
§ Alcoholism
§ Drug addiction
§ Diabetes like major diseases
§ Loss of libido that often happens after childbirth.
§ Medicines which are prescribed.
§ Hyperprolactinaemia - a rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive.
§ Abnormal hormone levels.

Causes which are psychological

These causes are very common. It's understandable that when a woman is having a bad time emotionally, she may lose interest in sex. When a woman is having a bad time emotionally, interest in sex is lost, which is quite understandable.

§ epression
§ Stress and overwork
§ Anxiety
§ Childhood problems
§ Rape or past sexual abuse.
§ Latent lesbianism
§ Relationship problems which maybe be serious.
§ sharing a home with parents or parents-in-law and other such difficult living conditions.

Loss of libido can be put right, provided the causes are looked into, with the help and love of your partner. Quick fixes aren't available. Normal libido is eventually achieved for a majority of the women. Read more at increase female libido.

Natural herbs aphrodisiacs are by far the most popular methods. Listed below are some of the natural herbs for increasing female libido:

Dong Quai: packed with nutrients for general health and is taken to combat PMT and the menopause, so all women should take this. The herb helps balance estrogen levels and blood sugar levels. Other things that the herb does it that, nourishes the blood and helps to improve circulation around the body and stimulates the central nervous system. Read more at natural libido enhancers for women.

Ginseng: Enhances testosterone levels, improves the blood circulation and also lifts the spirit.

Gingko: Is known to increase sexual function and also have a positive effect on the female libido.
Schisandra: This improves blood flow to the female pelvic region and has a vasodilatory effect.

Avena Sativa: Relaxes the body and allows blood flow to vagina and increases sensitivity.

Satavri Extract: improves overall body strength and enhances testosterone production and increases muscle tone. The female sexual organs' dry tissues are made moist by this.

Ashwagandha: Helps to energize the body, improve mood and is taken to promote sexual and reproductive balance. The herb helps to combat the effects of stress, enhances vitality and lifts the spirit.

Arginine: Is needed by the body to make nitric oxide, a compound that works to relax blood vessels and allow more blood to flow through arteries and this of course includes to the sexual organs.

If you suffer from a loss of libido, use of the above herbs can help repair your libido quickly and naturally.

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